الأربعاء، 13 فبراير 2013

A hypopyon is a pus collection within the anterior chamber of the eye.

A hypopyon is a pus collection within the anterior chamber of the eye.

Patients will present with pain, irritation, itchiness of affected eye. Some may have decreased visual acuity or photophobia. This patient did not have decreased visual acuity or photophobia other than the limited visual field besides the pain and irritation.

It is not a disease per se, but a presentation of diseases. It can develop due to trauma secondary to the spread of other infections such as keratitis. Common bacterial origins include staphylococci or steptococci, fungi or viruses. Non-infectious origins can occur too, such as non-infectious uveitis secondary to auto-immune syndromes such as Behcet's disease, Reiter's syndrome as well as some malignancies.

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